First LifeLine International Member Grants Awarded

  • First LifeLine International Member Grants Awarded image

March 2023

LifeLine International’s first set of Member grants, totalling AUD$100,000, have been awarded to eight of our Member service provision organisations in 2023/24. This is a new established policy of Lifeline International to support and expand the life-saving work of our Members.

Following a formal application process, services in Canada, Malaysia, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Malawi, Zambia, and Sri Lanka have been awarded funding to support important suicide prevention initiatives in communities across these eight countries.

Members were invited to apply for up to AUD$15,000 to fund operations of new or existing programs and initiatives. For example, in Malaysia, where youth suicide rates are extremely high, a special Peer Support Group Training program was designed to work with young people through their schools, where students will be trained and supported to identify peers at risk.  The first training cohort has just been completed.  In Papua New Guinea, a new call centre has been established, giving that country a renewed operational base.

These grants fund local organisations to deliver appropriate services in their community, giving vital operational funding that can otherwise be very difficult to secure. Members also get the chance to draw from the experience of their peers across the world via introductions and events facilitated by LifeLine International.

The grants will speed up delivery and improve the quality and effectiveness of services, covering expenses relating directly to service delivery such as training and technology; however, travel and event expenses are not generally eligible.

LifeLine International aims to support more services, for more people, in more places around the world. These grants are just one of the ways we do this, to ensure our Members – mostly volunteer-run and community-based – are equipped to save more lives by focusing on their work to prevent suicide.

To learn more about membership, visit our Get Involved page.