2022’s International Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award

  • 2022’s International Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award image

March 2023

Without the tireless work of volunteers across the globe, our Members would not be able to provide life-saving services to millions of people annually.

Each year, LifeLine International takes a moment to reflect and recognise one volunteer for their extraordinary work through our International Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award.

The award is presented to somebody who has contributed to the well-being of their community and demonstrated excellence, community spirit, capacity building and leadership.

In 2022, Mangalika Warusavitharana from CCCline in Sri Lanka was chosen as International Outstanding Volunteer of the Year.

Mangalika has been a volunteer since 2016 and has helped hundreds of people as a volunteer phone operator.

“I am driven by the desire to make a positive impact, grow personally and professionally, and gain a deeper understanding and empathy for others,” Mangalika says.

“Winning an award for my work in CCC is a gratifying and uplifting experience that highlights the positive impact that can be made through volunteer work and helping those in need.”

CEO of LifeLine International, Thili Perara, said the team were incredibly proud of the work undertaken by Mangalika and the team at CCCline.

“As part of the award, Mangalika will have the opportunity to attend an international suicide prevention conference,” Thili said.

“If the country hosting the chosen conference has a LifeLine International Member presence, we will also facilitate an opportunity for the volunteer to attend and learn from — as well as share their own practices — with any relevant LLI Member organisation.”

Mangalika says through volunteering, she has been able to learn new skills, gain valuable experience, and expand her social and professional networks.

“It has provided me with a sense of connection and belonging, as I meet with like-minded people and form meaningful relationships with others who share similar values and goals.”

Mangalika has been instrumental in training and supporting new volunteers, thus enabling the service to respond effectively to more people seeking help. She also works tirelessly to promote CCCLine in the community and increases awareness of the Foundation and engages sponsors,” CCCLine manager Senerath says.

Thanks to the hard work of volunteers like Mangalika, LifeLine International continues to go from strength to strength.

With over 200 centres across 24 global members, we are excited to grow even more throughout the year and share the successes of our volunteers.

“Winning this award helps to bring attention to the cause and organization and is a way to boost the morale and motivation of the team members who are involved in running the CCC, as it signifies that their hard work and dedication have been noticed and appreciated,” Mangalika says.

“It serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement for others to get involved in similar causes and volunteer work.”

Outside of her telephone counselling work, Mangalika, now a retired nurse, also works in other areas of CCCFoundation supporting patients battling cancer, bringing meals to families and providing support to people travelling from remote locations to seek medical treatment.

“I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. As well as gardening, cooking and charity work but I most enjoy the time I spend with CCCLine,” Mangalika says.

You can meet last year’s recipient Suzane Wong, or find out more about joining LifeLine International.