United States of America (ICH)
International Council for Helplines
What we do
International Council for Helplines is a helpline membership organisation with a mission to inspire, educate, and accredit helpline programs that offer support to individuals in crisis and emotional distress. Our vision is that anyone at any time has access to thriving, effective emotional support. We promote unconditional regard for acceptance of all people.
We have been accrediting helpline organisations for over 50 years, and as an accrediting body, we are solely dedicated to establishing helpline best practice standards.
Our services include accreditation of emotional support helpline programs including crisis helplines, online emotional support (chat/text), domestic violence helplines, peer-to-peer/non-peer warmliness, problem gambling helplines, reassurance calling programs, substance use helplines, and teen helplines. We also offer a Certified Crisis Helpline Exam for individuals providing direct service in the crisis helpline field and Helpline Trainings including crisis helplines and online emotional support.
Get help
National Suicide Prevention LifeLine
If you are in crisis and located in the United States.
Call: 988