LifeLine International welcomes Gillian Bent as Membership Director

  • LifeLine International welcomes Gillian Bent as Membership Director image

May 2023

LifeLine International (LLI) has welcomed Gillian Bent as Membership Director, a new role created to support Members and the important work they do around the world.  

Bringing more than a decade of experience working in the not-for-profit sector—including previous roles with WWF-Australia (or World Wide Fund for Nature), Oxfam Australia, and Ronald McDonald House Charities—Gillian says she was drawn to the role at LLI because she wants to support positive change in the suicide prevention and crisis intervention space on an international scale.

“The different crisis support helplines that span the globe are doing really important frontline work. They’re the experts delivering lifesaving support on the phone but I can use my skills in partnerships, relationship management, and communications to support them,” she said.

“I’m the behind-the-scenes person that can hopefully connect the dots between Members to make the lives easier of the people that are out there on the frontlines.”

Working to support LifeLine International Members and help them realise the value of being part of an international network, Gillian will be working on a range of projects including sharing research and best practice, examples of funding applications, and assets for campaigns and global events like World Suicide Prevention Day.

Along with this, she will also be acting as a facilitator to help spark important conversations between Members to make the work that they do—which includes steering LifeLine International’s direction in saving lives across the world—easier.

“That’s where they’re going to find the most value—by understanding one another’s business a little bit better and seeing the opportunities. So, when you know someone’s doing something amazing in one of their call centres, hopefully we can replicate that across the network,” said Gillian.

“It could be challenges as well. Rather than having to reinvent the wheel each time, we can make it easier for each other to get the best outcomes.”

Gillian hopes that her passion for not-for-profit work and a desire to make a difference in the world will support her vision for LifeLine International—beginning by understanding the Members, their needs, and how she can make their lives easier as they continue to deliver a range of crisis support, suicide prevention, and community-based services.

“I’m going to let the Members lead…they’re the ones I’m trying to deliver the value for,” she said.

“It’s definitely one thing we’re conscious of— recognising their priority as helping their callers in crisis – and making it simple for them to get the most out of their Membership. I think that will be my main focus once I’ve gotten to know them all.”

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